Mika de Brito

Mika de Brito

A yoga teacher for over 20 years, Mika de Brito is an internationally recognized teacher for his atypical approach.

Introduced by Baptiste Marceau (the son of the famous mime) to Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Mika was then trained in the old-fashioned way, from master to student, and for several years followed the path of a Hindu Swami in the Himalayas during which it integrates a more traditional and meditative approach. His adventures lead him to live secluded in a cave in Gangotree. Subsequently invited by Sharon Gannon to follow the teachings of their American school Jivamukti, he will use all these experiences as a yogi and traveler to develop a style of his own.

Connected with his times, open-minded and creative, Mika makes this age-old tradition accessible to as many people as possible. He advocates the liberation of conditioned brains through a liberating and benevolent practice.

Music also plays a large part in Mika’s practice. His artistic sensitivity as a musician led him to co-create the Yoga Lab in 2010 in partnership with the musician Marco Prince: yoga in sound immersion.

Instagram @nastyyogi