Through their school, Ik Saran Dhian, Ishwara and Kirpal have trained hundreds of Kundalini Yoga teachers. They are known for their sense of humor, unwavering sense of service, and authenticity. Be it Kundalini Yoga and Sacred Dances; Kirtan and Teachings for Women and Feminine Leadership; the Sacred Science of Karam Kriya; spiritual stories, or just down-to-earth wisdom shared around a merry dinner table, Kirpal and Ishwara are an integral part of the French spiritual community, supporting various European festivals and running Kundalini Yoga Teacher trainings in France, England and Germany. They have just bought a new site for the school, a former colony de vacances, stunningly situated in the breathtaking Unesco Heritage Site of the High Pyrénées. A place where the elves are dancing!
Instagram @iksarandhian