Philippe Garnier

Philippe Garnier

Philippe Garnier was initiated into sacred ceremonies and spiritual practices in a variety of Native American and Native American traditions (he lived for a year in a Kiowa Apache community in New Mexico). After a profound personal transformation, Philippe pursued intensive training in Energy Healing and Sound Therapy. He worked and studied extensively with Amazonian curanderos (doctors), receiving training in techniques that facilitate the healing of the soul and body.

Philippe’s knowledge is also strongly grounded in 15 years of teaching with Dr. John Beaulieu, N.D., an advanced master and researcher in many aspects of sound healing, as well as the teachings and transmissions of the great Gong Masters Don Conreaux and Tito La Rosa. Philippe is the organizer and director of the Menla Sound Healing Retreat, one of the largest annual therapeutic frequency retreats in the United States. He also shares his expertise with the public with his organisation Academie française de sonotherapie.

Instagram @academiefrancaisesonotherapie